Strategic Ministries
Leading Vital Communities of Faith: Be A Partner
Joining God’s actions in the world.
As people of faith, we trust that God is doing new things in the world and we long to be part of this work. Pastors and lay leaders in four strategic mission outpost have engaged in an intentional renewal process. With passion and creativity, these congregations are forging new paths for mission through visioning, equipping leaders, inviting others to cross generational faith formation, welcoming, and re-rooting in their context. Learn from them, pray for them, and support them.
Bridge of Peace Community Church in Camden
Pastor Giselle Coutinho
2755 Tuckahoe Rd, Camden, NJ 08104
Phone: (856) 365-1450
Facebook: Bridge of Peace Community Church
Christus Evangelical Lutheran Church in Camden
Pastor Jesse Brown Jr - Redeveloper
909 N 26th St, Camden, NJ 08105
Phone: 856-966-0153
Facebook: Christus Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church in Trenton
Pastor Erich Kussman - Redeveloper
1746 S. Clinton Ave. Trenton, NJ 08610
Phone: 609-393-6060
Facebook: St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church

Become a Mission Partner!
Mission Partners are congregations linked together in dynamic relationships to empower and expand this outreach ministry. Through supportive relationship, these congregations share in the excitement of proclaiming God’s love. Mission Partner congregations offer the gifts of prayer, leadership and financial resources to new mission starts. Individuals can also offer prayer and financial gifts over periods of time so that developing congregations can have the resources needed in their first years to establish a firm base as they witness to Jesus and build new communities of faith.
Congregations enter into a mutual agreement with a mission congregation to give and receive Prayers, Presence and Presents - the three P’s of Mission Partnership.
Contact Rev. Maristela Freiberg or call 201 407 6000 to explore possibilities of mission partners with our new evangelizing congregations